Sunday, January 31, 2010

A great day...

This is a page I created last week for a challenge over at TOP 50, I just found out that it won me a Kaisercraft goodie pack from Handmade by Suzanne ! I am pretty chuffed :) Thankyou!!!
The challenge was to scrap a milestone and this moment was pretty special...

This morning I picked up a friend and headed to the Armidale markets to see what was happening... It was a great laugh, I won't mention names, (I don't want to embarrass her) but I would like to thank her for the great laugh-till-you-cry moment.... No one makes me laugh like you do xxx
I was home at lunch time and then Matt went off on his motorbike with Roy (opps, does that give away the person mentioned above?) They went off in the rain, through mud and creeks. The smiles were so wide when they made it back an hour later, so good to see!

Now Matt is at basketball training.
Shawn and Liberty are playing with a Mechano set that Matt's Dad found in his shed (so good, it is made from metal!).
I have just scrapped a page and am about to go see what miracle I can perform for dinner.
As the Zac Brown Band sings, Life is good today.... x

1 comment:

Sue Plumb said...

Congrats Julie! It was very well deserved! :-)