Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Old Man Matt

Matt thinks he looks old in this photo with his sun glasses down on his nose. Since he is away, I thought I would post it on the net for the world to see!
I took this pic while we were watching the ski race on the weekend. He is a great photographer.
Yesterday I met with Candice to talk wedding photos. This Saturday I am taking her wedding photos... We ended up stalking all of our friends and ended up having our catch up at Megs... (sorry to bombard you Meg, we had fun though!)
Today we had an impromptu dinner with the wonderful Baldwin girls. I traded them some spaghetti bol for some baby sitting while I had to be somewhere for a little bit.
Now my children are in my bed and it looks like I will have a night of kicking or go and climb into one of their beds! What a long night it shal be..... night x


Unknown said...

OMG Matt looks sooo old...nearly as old as I am also sharing a bed with a little person...what a long night it shall be.....thanks for dinner xxxxxx

Meg said...

Yeah where's my invite??? I'm home alone too... All I did today was sit on my bottom and did some reading. I got the book finished....Hope the weather is good on Saturday for the wedding.

Ginny said...

lol...i think its a great pic :0)