Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sick day!

Such a busy week... I won't bore you with the details, just a few tid bits.
Yesterday Shawn played in the school soccer team for a combined schools gala day...and he scored a goal!!! I had to work yesterday, but I changed my times a little so I could at least catch 10 minutes.

10 days ago Miss Liberty had her 4yrs immunisations, 3 days ago she got a runny nose, last night a sore throat. She is almost text book material with immunisations, where Shawn never showed any signs of being unwell. So today she had the day off Preschool and lazed the day away. We did get in a few games of Big Birds Nest Sticks in. I loved this game! Now she is back on the couch, waiting for her Brov to get home from school.

Psst....Over at Pete's Place she has a scrappy kit to giveaway, it's that one I really liked of yours Pam :)

But wait, there's more... The 123 Challenge is back starting June 1st!!! This has always been one of my favourite challenge sites, YAY!


Sue Plumb said...

Congrats to Shawn on his goal and hope Miss L is feeling better soon! XXX
PS - I love the Big Bird game, it looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

Hey You, Hope all is well..Try and catch p with you next week Cheers Meg

Alexandre said...

Futebol Pele